18 Best Mindvalley Courses and Quests
The best Mindvalley courses and masterclasses for personal growth.
Mindvalley is in a class by itself. Most virtual learning platforms generally aim to help you with the security, and perhaps the esteem, tiers of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Mindvalley goes straight for the apex – self-actualization. And, they do it successfully.
Below we give you a tour of the best Mindvalley courses and free Mindvalley masterclasses and how a Mindvalley experience can change your life for the better.
Mindvalley Courses – Overview
Founded by Vishen Lakhiani, the Mindvalley Academy offers a powerful collection of masterclasses for learners seeking mindfulness and personal development. Indeed, they educate members of the Mindvalley community in areas that the school system never did.
Mindvalley follows an unapologetically grand vision: to “remake the way the world works in terms of business, politics, education, and spirituality.”
The Mindvalley course catalog is compact, and membership (visit website + get 40% off) gives you access to all classes and a global community of fellow learners through an in-house social network. There are also various Mindvalley apps members can use for meditation, access Mindvalley courses, or listen to the popular Mindvalley podcasts.
Mindvalley Quests
Yes, they are courses, but the word “course” could be a bit of an understatement. They claim that if you put in just 20 minutes each day, you will “feel and see remarkable growth” in just a few weeks. Here are some of the top features of Mindvalley Quests.
- The topics – Be Extraordinary. The Power of Boldness. Conscious Parenting. The course offering brings together practical and ethereal knowledge. It may all seem a bit offbeat or impractical at first. Upon deeper inspection (and introspection), you will see how Mindvalley can offer you something that you’ve been missing in your life.
- The design and production quality – From the website to the apps, Mindvalley goes the distance to make sure you get your money’s worth each time you interact with them. Quests are no exception.
- Live Classes with Student Interaction – Some of the Mindvalley courses boast more than 1 million students enrolled, so I’m not sure how you get to connect one-on-one in a pool that big, but they claim that you can.
- Impressive Faculty Members – Lisa Nichols, Jim Kwik and Michael Beckwith are among the impressively credentialed list of Mindvalley teachers. Learning from heavy hitters is usually a smart way to go!
- Strict Course Schedules – You know how you can do week 3 of your “How to Shoot a Crossbow” course all in one day if you choose? Not so with Mindvalley Quests. The lessons are scheduled and you cannot begin the next one until the day it is due to begin. So a 30-day Mindvalley Masterclass is indeed a 30-day course!
- Risk-free – Try 15 days with 1-click refund. Or, take this free Mindvalley Masterclass.
Membership Deal 2024 – Mindvalley offers another 60% off its annual membership. $399/year and as long as you keep it. View Deal here.
Best Mindvalley Courses and Quests 2024 – Top Picks
SuperBrain | Super Reading | Uncompromised Life | Be Extraordinary |
Jim Kwik | Jim Kwik | Marisa Peer | Vishen Lakhiani |
Memory, Mind | Speed Reading | Mind, Life | Self Mastery |
View Course | View Course | View Course | View Course |
*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Read the full disclosure at the end of this post.
Below are 18 Mindvalley courses and masterclasses that could make a big difference in your life. For each quest, we also suggest free Mindvalley masterclasses available for free.
1. Superbrain – Jim Kwik
Without saying it outright, Kwik alludes to the possibility of tapping into the unused realms of our brains. In his 5-minute promo, he lists a dizzying array of topics covered in this 30-day quest Superbrain (visit website). Encouragingly, he implements the Spaced Recognition method to impart it all.
This method has been proven to make stuff stick, so learners get one of the core learning outcomes of the quest in full application. Some more learning outcomes are better focus, memory improvement, higher productivity, and the ability to get higher grades in school.
Wish I had known about Jim Kwik back in college! Students were largely pleased by this popular Mindvalley masterclass. One mentioned that some of the material might not be specifically relevant to everyone. You can skip over that and get the rest of the gold. This is one of the best Mindvalley courses to develop your memory and learning skills.
Instructor: Jim Kwik | Training: 8.5 Hours | Students: 2,7M+
Price: $399 annually. $99/month. 100+ Mindvalley courses and classes.
Info: View course page. Discount on Mindvalley Membership? View Deal for details.
2. Uncompromised Life – Marisa Peer
The #1 therapist in the UK has 25 years under her belt coaching a list of illustrious clientele. Marisa Peer herself has earned an illustrious reputation as the creator of “Transformational Hypnotherapy.” Her approach (view course) is described as a “mind optimization science that completely transforms a person’s way of thinking and living.”
This award-winning therapist brings her life-changing strategy to the Mindvalley tribe to help learners improve their confidence, discover their purpose, and strengthen their growth mindset. During this eight-week Mindvalley Quest, you get interactive Transformational Hypnotherapy sessions and each covers one “mind shift.”
Reviewers say “she has a way of making complicated things simple” and that her approach to abundance is “common-sense.” She was also called a “down-to-earth teacher who deeply cares about the success of all of her students.”
Uncompromised Life is certainly one of the most popular and best Mindvalley courses and worth it for anyone who needs a mindset shift to step over into their wealthy place. Your new wealth will more than cover the membership fee.
With: Marisa Peer | Training: 5.5 Hours | Languages: 4 | Students: 1,6M+
Price: $399 annually. $99/month. 100+ Mindvalley courses and classes.
Info: View course page. Discount on Mindvalley Membership? View Deal for details.
3. Super Reading – Jim Kwik
Kwik has a strong reputation as a Hollywood “Brain Coach” with an impressive list of high-profile celebrities and corporate clients. In Super Reading (visit website), he promises that you will double your rate of reading and also better comprehend and retain what you read.
The main learning goal is to understand and practice how to absorb more information in less time and be able to recall knowledge when needed. This can translate to big points in your career – better recall can come in handy for presentations, meetings and projects.
Reviews were largely complementary in general, lauding the course’s practicality. This is one of the best Mindvalley masterclasses and well worth it for students in challenging university programs, actors and professionals who want to advance in their careers.
With: Jim Kwik | Topic: Speed Reading | Time: 3 Weeks | Students: 180,000+
Price: $399 annually. $99/month. 100+ Mindvalley courses and classes.
Info: View course page. Discount on Mindvalley Membership? View Deal for details.
4. The Silva Ultramind System – José Silva, Vishen Lakhiani
An enthusiastic graduate of the Silva Method himself, Vishen Lakhiani brings you this framework in a Mindvalley Quest (visit website) to awaken your mind’s greatest potential. José Silva taught more than 6 million people his process during his lifetime. It involves a journey through various levels of consciousness.
By tapping into brainwave activity, one can access deeper awareness levels, sharpen intuition, improve creativity, manifest what one wants, and experience holistic healing. Your 28-day Quest promises life-changing results.
Some say the science referred to in Silva’s original program needs to be updated, and it does not appear that Lakhiani did that. Nevertheless, those who have experienced it are generally satisfied that they came out better than they were going in. It is also one of the most popular Mindvalley courses on this platform.
Instructors: José Silva, Vishen Lakhiani | Languages: 6 | Training: 8 Hours
Price: $99/month. $399/year. All Mindvalley Masterclasses.
Info: View course page. Try: Get free class Access Altered States of Mind.
5. Duality with Jeffrey Allen
In Duality (view course), acclaimed energy healer and online energy training pioneer Jeffrey Allen guides you to achieving connection with your energy body, the benefits of which include “higher states of self-mastery, spiritual awareness, and emotional bliss.” If you want to learn how to use energy to shift your physical reality, this course is for you.
Harnessing the energetic plane, which Allen frames as being the antidote to frustration and perpetual negative patterns, is the main learning outcome of Duality. Former software engineer Allen brings to Duality the same lessons on intuition, healing, and channeling that have taken him to over 1 million people globally.
While teaching you to work with your energy body to become “unstuck” and build healthier relationships, Allen covers energy awareness and personal presence, mental and intuitive clarity, body healing, boundary establishment, manifestation through the chakras, and abandonment of limiting beliefs. These topics, among others, form Allen’s modules.
After Allen’s guided meditations, you’ll apply his energy tools and techniques to eliminate energy blocks, overcome fear, achieve higher awareness, and, ultimately, build the life of your dreams. Another benefit of enrolling in Duality is access to the bonus mini-courses Healing Negative Emotions in a Period of Growth and Clearing Energy Blocks.
Instructor: Jeffrey Allen | Weeks: 8 | Training: 14 Hours
Price: $399 annually. $99/month. 100+ Mindvalley courses and classes.
Info: View course page. Mindvalley discount on membership? View website for details.
6. Be Extraordinary – Vishen Lakhiani
Previously entitled “Becoming Limitless”, Vishen Lakhiani originally created Be Extraordinary (visit website) for himself and his children. It is based on what he gleaned from the bright minds he has studied throughout his 20-year Mindvalley journey.
Albert Einstein is famously quoted as saying “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” This Mindvalley Quest is apparently founded on this sage advice, swapping out the word “thinking” for the term “level of consciousness.” The main outcome for you is a shift to a higher consciousness level.
His 30-day quest promises to help you do this in nine parts via daily micro-lessons. Caveat: if you are not partial to using profanities or fabricated words, you may have a problem with some of the content in this quest.
If you’re not bothered by those details, then go forth. This could be one of the best Mindvalley masterclasses if you feel stuck and need to change your thinking to change your results. Indeed, according to the Bible, as a man thinks, so is he!
Instructor: Vishen Lakhiani | Training: 8.5 Hours | Students: 1M+
Price: $399 annually. $99/month. 100+ Mindvalley courses and Masterclasses.
Info: View course page. Discount on Mindvalley Membership? View Deal for details.
Reading: Browse our lists of the best speed reading courses, or public speaking courses, or personal development courses, or personal finance courses or productivity courses.
7. Unlimited Abundance – Christie Marie Sheldon
Unlimited Abundance (view course) is a renowned energy healer and intuitive life coach Christie Marie Sheldon’s class that helps those struggling with feelings of unworthiness, self-sabotage, and Imposter Syndrome find and release their Abundance Blocks, of which there are 24 and can originate from any aspect of life.
With an average person having +/- 10 Abundance Blocks, which stem from patterns that get reinforced from a young age, Sheldon shares her techniques for tapping into your Abundance Frequency and “energetically dismantling them”. Specifically, Sheldon helps you identify how and when you brought them into your life.
What’s unique about Unlimited Abundance is that it’s not linear, allowing you to cherry-pick which sessions to tackle first based on which top 10 Abundance Blocks you think you have. These can be fear-, money-, or career-based Abundance Blocks or Abundance Blocks that make you feel stuck, cloud your clarity, or weaken your sense of ownership.
While Sheldon works with every type of Abundance Block, she encounters and, thus, clears money-related Abundance Blocks most commonly. As such, if you feel that some or all of your Abundance Blocks pertain to misplaced beliefs about money, you stand to really benefit from Sheldon’s expertise.
Instructor: Christie Marie Sheldon | Weeks: 6 | Training: 29 Hours
Membership: Monthly plans or $399/year. 100+ Classes+ Quests.
Info: View course page. Discount on Membership? View website for details.
8. Speak and Inspire – Lisa Nichols
Never miss another deep connection. Lisa Nichols (visit website) will help you make sure you never do it by helping you become a more powerful, impactful communicator. This popular Mindvalley masterclass will teach you how to captivate people and audiences with your personal charisma. Learn to speak and inspire.
During the journey, you gain increasingly advanced skills. By the end, you realize you have become a more powerful speaker than many of the people you know. Some skills include mastering storytelling, getting higher speaking fees and garnering more engagements.
Rave reviews for this program abound. This is one of the best Mindvalley courses to learn public speaking skills and even make a living from it.
Instructor: Lisa Nichols | Modules: 4 | Training: 6 Hours
Price: Monthly & annual plans. 100+ Mindvalley masterclasses.
Info: View course page. Discount on Mindvalley Membership? View website for details.
9. Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy – Marisa Peer
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy (view course) is Marisa Peer’s class on the ‘remarkable subconscious reprogramming methodology’, designed by Peer herself. It is ideal for anyone wishing to unlearn negative thoughts, habits, and emotions through the creation of “new empowering neural pathways”.
RTH calls for small adjustments that require minimal effort and have a powerful, permanent effect, reinforcing Peer’s approach of treating mindset rather than symptoms. In her class, Peer seeks to trigger “profound personal transformation” that empowers you to re-emerge as a confident and courageous self-believer who makes positive choices.
Peer spends 5 weeks teaching you the workable tools and techniques you need to become “a living expression of what you believe”, much like she has done for royalty, Hollywood celebs, Olympic athletes, politicians, and CEOs, as well as other therapists and doctors. Firstly, you’ll learn about why limiting beliefs exist and how they hold you back.
In Part 2, you’ll inherit neuroplasticity-based techniques to reprogram your mindset to that of a happy high-achiever, which, according to Peer, is the key to manifesting your dreams. Part 3 is about mastering mental health by improving your relationship with food and your body, followed by Part 4 which shifts the focus to financial success and abundance.
Peer rounds up RTH with a section on self-love and how to find and attract loving, fulfilling relationships, making it suitable for anyone who’s struggled in that area. You can partake in hands-on exercises, alongside a re-wiring audio that reactivates your self-belief.
Instructor: Marisa Peer | Weeks: 5 | Training: 12 Hours
Membership: Monthly plans or $399/year. 100+ Classes.
Info: View course page. Discount on Membership? View website for details.
10. The Quest For Personal Mastery – Srikumar Rao
This MBA lecturer, bestselling author and TED speaker is committed to helping you find deep meaning in your life. Srikumar Rao takes you on a Mindvalley Quest to help you analyze your “inner landscape.” Personal Mastery is a 45-day journey (visit website) that includes some exercises designed to become a part of your everyday life.
In the process, your wildest dreams become your daily realities. Interested? The way it works is through a collection of techniques that get to the core fears, anxieties and weaknesses and empower learners with new ways to frame them. You will learn to overcome stress, change your belief system and become more resilient and confident.
As with many other best Mindvalley masterclasses, reviews are overwhelmingly positive. The only caveat is a possible conflict between these teachings and a person’s faith. Mr. Rao refers to partnering with “the Universe” and targeting your belief system. This may not resonate with some. Consider taking his free Mindvalley masterclass to get a quick insight.
Instructor: Srikumar Rao | Training: 6 Hours | Languages: 6
Price: Monthly & annual plans. 100+ Mindvalley masterclasses.
Info: View course page. Bonus: Get free class Developing Extreme Resilience.
11. Money EQ Program – Ken Honda
Billed as “Japan’s no. 1 money teacher”, Ken Honda (visit website) cleverly connects the contemporary concept of EQ to the topic of money. Indeed, people have a strong and emotional relationship with money. That relationship dictates what role it plays in our lives.
You will learn better money skills, overcome fears about money and increase your income. Honda will help you to condition your mind to feel happier about money and life in general. In his video introduction, he comes across as a humble and personable trainer.
Behind this kindly man is a powerhouse, a personal growth guru who has sold 7 million books and achieved financial freedom before age 30. He wants to show you how you can do this too. One of the free Mindvalley masterclasses is taught by him. You can try that out first if you are not sure about taking the plunge right away.
Instructor: Ken Honda | Modules: 3 | Training: 3.5 Hours. Learn at your own pace.
Price: Monthly & annual plans. 100+ Mindvalley masterclasses.
Info: View course page. Bonus: Get free Mindvalley masterclass Heal Money Wounds.
12. The M-Word – Emily Fletcher
The M-Word by Emily Fletcher (visit website) shows meditators how this scientifically proven exercise is more than just a stress-relieving tool. When done right, it can help you unlock peak performance, infinite vitality, superhuman creativity, and creation.
Emily claims to help learners revitalize their personal and professional lives by building upon the subsequent frameworks taught in her modern approach to meditation.
The M-Word comprises a total of 2 modules. The first module deals with leveling up your meditation practice through a step-by-step practice. This involves managing your relationship with stress, balancing breath meditation, and discovering simple techniques that help you stretch your spirituality and remain aware of synchronicities.
In the second part, you’ll get into the real world. Here you’ll discover how to work your meditative wand and solve real-life problems, bypass stress and implement a system of emotional detox for healthy personal and professional lives. This is one of the best Mindvalley courses in the Mind & Soul category.
Instructor: Emily Fletcher | Training: 9 Hours
Price: $399/year or monthly plan. 100+ Mindvalley courses and classes.
Info: View course page. Try: Get free class Meditation for Super Performance.
13. Wildfit – Eric Edmeades
Wildfit (visit website) by Eric Edmeades is for anyone who is desperate to unsubscribe from a lifestyle involving massive shifts in routine patterns, fad dieting, and over-the-top exercise drills all without the desired signs of fitness. It’s one of the best Mindvalley courses to take if your focus is on the Mind, Body, and Soul categories.
Wildfit offers individuals a guaranteed breakthrough in health and fitness levels in 90 days. It is a 35-hour Mindvalley training program that teaches fitness enthusiasts how to let go of bad eating habits, maintain their ideal weight, heal the detrimental impact of years of unhealthy diets, reverse premature aging and increase one’s lifespan.
This program draws on behavioral psychology, evolutionary medicine, and nutritional anthropology to replace your unhealthy eating patterns with nourishing ones without forcing you over the edge with strict diet regimes.
Participants will begin by discovering what their body truly needs. Weeks 3 to 10 deal with the practical steps required to allow a natural but healthy human diet to take over your system. This is where you’ll notice the positive changes taking place including increased energy, fewer food struggles, and healthy eating.
In the last weeks, you’ll master the tricks to release weight quickly and keep it off. Here you’ll learn to make permanent the positive changes accrued over the previous weeks.
Instructor: Eric Edmeades | Duration: 90 days | Training: 35 Hours
Price: $399/year or monthly plan. 100+ Mindvalley courses.
Info: View course page. Try: Get free class Health & Weight Loss Resolution.
14. The Longevity Blueprint – Ben Greenfield
How old are you? Ben Greenfield draws a distinction between your chronological age and your biological age. On this 8-week Mindvalley Quest (visit website), he will guide you to the health, fitness, beauty and longevity that you want.
Rather than beating your body up with punishing workout programs, you will instead learn how to age beautifully with higher energy and glowing skin. You’ll gain a better physique, more muscle and strength and better mobility.
He encourages a more balanced approach to achieving these goals. It appears that he has the right system, as several reviewers testify. If you want to look and feel better for the rest of your life, this is one of the best Mindvalley courses and masterclasses to take.
Instructor: Ben Greenfield | Duration: 7 Weeks | Training: 18 Hours
Price: $399/year or $99/month. 100+ Mindvalley Masterclasses.
Info: View course page. Try: Get free class 5 Biohacks for Exceptional Health.
15. Energy Medicine – Donna Eden, David Feinstein
Instructed by Donna Eden and David Feinstein (visit website), Energy Medicine is for everyone who wants to feel in charge of their own health and wellness. This popular Mindvalley course provides individuals with a framework to take advantage of the transformational healing energy that resides within us.
During 8 weeks of training, you will learn how to master your body’s energy, correct any energetic blocks, rectify weaknesses and become an effective practitioner. Your learning journey will be supported by video lessons, Q/As with Donna, and mastering some exclusive energetic tools that the couple only teaches at their live workshops.
The first module will teach learners the core exercises for fuelling their vitality. Next comes a dive into the clearing, grounding, and balancing of your energies followed by a module on exercises such as the triple warmer and spleen meridian to relieve stress.
You will also learn about energy tests for healthy choices and exercises that relieve pain. The final three modules deal with the science behind the chakras, the auras, and the radiant energies as well as the ways to implement and sustain these for vitality and joy. It’s one of the most popular and best Mindvalley courses to improve your health and vitality.
Instructor: Donna Eden, David Feinstein | Complete in: 8 Weeks
Price: $399/year or monthly membership. 100+ Mindvalley courses and classes.
Info: View course page. Try: Get free Mindvalley masterclass Energy Medicine.
16. Lifebook Online – Jon and Missy Butcher
Lifebook Online (visit website) with Jon and Missy Butcher is a life enhancement course to learn how to achieve your goals in the 12 dimensions of your life. This includes important areas such as health, relationships, quality of life, parenting, and finance.
In this popular Mindvalley course, you will unlearn some of the most psychologically detrimental patterns and mindsets. It is suitable for individuals who are stuck in the vicious loop of work-life imbalance and daydreaming that keeps them from realizing their goals.
Brace yourselves for a total of six modules that take you on an intensive journey of repairing the most crucial aspects of your life. These include well-being, emotional life and character, spirituality and relationships, parenting and social integration, finance and career, and finally, reconstructing your quality of life and life vision.
Lifebook Online is an optimized lifestyle design system that teaches dreamers how to turn their dreams into hyper-specific visions. Once visualized this way, the route to realizing these visions becomes crystal clear. It’s one of the best Mindvalley courses to get started.
Instructor: Jon and Missy Butcher | Duration: 30 days | Training: 18 hours
Price: $399/year or monthly membership. Access to all 100+ courses.
Info: View course page. Try: Get free Mindvalley masterclass Redesign Your Life.
17. The Science of Better Sleep – Michael Breus
The Science of Better Sleep by Michael Breus (visit website) is aimed at everyone who perpetually struggles with acquiring deep, restful sleep. Spending too many days feeling sleep-deprived and lethargic will ultimately impact your personal and professional relations. Breus’ 5.5 hours of training offers an effective counter-treatment to this problem.
By developing healthy sleep patterns, struggling individuals will be able to rectify associated problems of the skin, immunity, digestion, libido, and emotional well-being.
In a series of 4 modules, trainees will learn how to systematically hack their environment and hormonal system to initiate patterns of deep sleep. Through the 28-day training, you will be able to discover your own ideal bedtime, the total number of sleep your body requires, and the ways to reprogram your body for a more energized outcome.
Instructor: Michael Breus | Duration: 30 days | Training: 5.5 Hours
Price: $399 annually. $99/month. 100+ Mindvalley courses and classes.
Info: View course page. Try: Get free class Sleep like a baby. Perform like a master.
18. 10x Fitness – Ronan Oliveira
10x Fitness (visit website) is among the best Mindvalley classes to reshape your physical fitness and appearance. It claims to have stacked its training modules on the science-backed ways of growing muscles. This 30-hour training program is suitable for everyone who wants to implement fitness in daily life but not waste hours in the gym.
Upon enrolling in Mindvalley 10x, you will be introduced to a revolutionary, hyper-optimized approach to maintaining fitness and sustaining your remarkable transformation. At the core of the 10x Fitness is a permanent body workout of just 15 minutes twice a week.
You will channel one of the most efficient exercise protocols and take assistance from science-based nutrition, rest, and lifestyle guidelines. During 12-week of online body transformation, learn how to activate your adaptive response mechanisms that engage your muscles to permanently transform them through core exercises by renowned trainers.
After the first week, which is the warm-up week, trainees will enter into the first phase of body transformation. Here you’ll learn about the core exercises, proper eating habits, and the subtle difference between male and female training. In the second phase, you’ll get to sculpt your dream body followed by the final phase of “living your 10x lifestyle”.
Instructor: Ronan Oliveira | Languages: 6+ | Complete in: 12-weeks
Price: From $399/year. 100+ Mindvalley masterclasses.
Info: View course page. Try: Get free class 15 Minutes to Optimal Fitness.
Mindvalley Academy – What are Quests?
So, what exactly are Mindvalley Quests? The format is online microlearning. You get 10-20 minutes a day with a top-tier coach on a personal development journey lasting 4-8 weeks. This is delivered through a sleek, beautifully designed Mindvalley app.
One unique feature is the real possibility of connecting with other learners in your quest. This makes possible a sense of like-minded community connection. Many other popular online learning platforms simply miss the mark on this.
Not sure what quest to take first? The Mindvalley app comes with an assessment that helps you zero in on the areas of your life you wish to work on more urgently. Then it suggests which quests will help you do that.
They all come under the monthly or annual membership, so once you’re in, you can take whichever and as many Mindvalley courses as you like. They also all come with a money-back guarantee if you’re not convinced within the first couple of weeks of any quest.
The text on the site makes it hard to understand whether the exact guarantee is 10 or 15 days. Nevertheless, they are invested in your satisfaction.
Mindvalley Membership
Mindvalley is a powerful life transformation platform with an all-access membership structure. Their courses and masterclasses are not available for purchase separately.
For the greatest flexibility, you can opt for a monthly Mindvalley membership that you can cancel at any time. It gives you unlimited access to all the courses for roughly $99/month. All programs offer audio and video lectures, coursework, and community support.
An annual Mindvalley membership costs less than half the price of paying one month at a time. Therefore, the more you use your membership, the less each course costs you. A yearly subscription comes at a great discount. View website to explore all the benefits of a Mindvalley All Access Pass.
If a one-year commitment is more than you’re ready for, join for one month and take the best Mindvalley quests of interest. If you want to check them out first without putting any money up, you can choose from a selection of free Mindvalley masterclasses.
They boast a very high course completion rate. If starting online courses and not finishing them is your Achilles heel, this might be a cure.
Students: 10 million + | Price: From $399 annually. 100+ Mindvalley masterclasses.
Info: Get free Mindvalley course 10 Powerful Brain Hacks.
Mindvalley Courses – Pros and Cons
Mindvalley is a leader in the online learning realm. The Mindvalley Academy boasts a hit list of well-respected speakers, authors and teachers. The production quality of all of the content is outstanding. Their live events have been known to be epic.
Behind all of the pretty window dressing, there is actually a great deal of substance. Members get unlimited access to an expertly curated collection of course offerings – not a huge catalog, but that’s the beauty of it anyhow. And, the catalog of Mindvalley masterclasses is growing steadily with more than 70+ courses available now.
Some would say the limited options and the high price tag are cons. On the contrary, these are just part of what makes Mindvalley a unique and high-quality experience. Students can not only expect high-quality teaching and projects but also enjoy one of the best learning experiences when it comes to audio and video quality as well as ambiance.
Mindvalley Alternatives: There are many eLearning providers looking for your attention. Alternatives to Mindvalley are CreativeLive Classes and MasterClass classes. You may also take a deep dive into our list of Skillshare classes if you want to learn from entrepreneurs.
Best Mindvalley Courses & Masterclasses – Summary
Wrapping up our tour of the best Mindvalley courses and masterclasses in 2024. In a nutshell, Mindvalley is a highly ambitious learning and powerful life transformation platform to help you transform yourself by renewing your mind and perspectives.
Indeed, upskilling is a wise and essential endeavor. You won’t learn how to use more PowerPoint features or any foreign languages on Mindvalley. Nonetheless, while you are learning those things on other learning platforms, a Mindvalley All Access Pass will help you position yourself to leverage those new skills even better.
A one-year Mindvalley membership can be a good and valuable investment for what you get and to learn new life skills that can make an impact. You might spend the same amount of money attending a 3-day live event with just one of Mindvalley’s trainers.
The takeaway is that if you are not in crisis yet, Mindvalley can help you. If you are in one already, they can also help you. As long as you approach the Mindvalley courses and quests with an open mind and heart, the platform can be valuable and beneficial.
Best Mindvalley Courses & Masterclasses 2024
- Superbrain – Jim Kwik
- Uncompromised Life – Marisa Peer
- Super Reading – Jim Kwik
- The Silva Ultramind System – José Silva, Vishen Lakhiani
- Duality with Jeffrey Allen
- Be Extraordinary – Vishen Lakhiani
- Unlimited Abundance – Christie Marie Sheldon
- Speak and Inspire – Lisa Nichols
- Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy – Marisa Peer
- The Quest For Personal Mastery – Srikumar Rao
- Money EQ Program – Ken Honda
- The M-Word – Emily Fletcher
- Wildfit – Eric Edmeades
- The Longevity Blueprint – Ben Greenfield
- Energy Medicine – Donna Eden, David Feinstein
- Lifebook Online – Jon and Missy Butcher
- The Science of Better Sleep – Michael Breus
- 10x Fitness – Ronan Oliveira
Who is Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley?
The Mindvalley founder, Vishen Lakhiani, left his career as a computer engineer at a rapidly growing Silicon Valley company. He had a senior position and things were going well for him on the job. Nevertheless, he felt stressed and burnt out.
Vishen Lakhiani began studying meditation to cope. This was the first step. Soon, he founded Mindvalley with the above-mentioned mission: to “remake the way the world works in terms of business, politics, education, and spirituality.”
Other Popular Mindvalley Courses and Classes 2024
- The Art of Manifesting with Regan Hillyer
- Life Visioning Mastery with Michael Beckwith
- Zero to $100 Million with Miki Agrawal
- Ultimate Leadership with Keith Ferrazzi
- The Habit of Ferocity with Steven Kotler
- The Power of Boldness with Naveen Jain
- Becoming Focused and Indistractable with Nir Eyal
- The New Psychology of Winning with Denis Waltley
- The Mindvalley Yoga Quest with Cecelilia Sardeo
- Chakra Healing with Anodea Judith
- Feng Shui for Life with Marie Diamond
- Hero. Genius. Legend. with Robin Sharma
- Everyday Bliss or Total Self-Confidence with Paul McKenna
- Awaken the Species with Neale Donald Walsch
- Business Freedom Blueprint
- Mastering The Growth Mindset or Super Productivity
- Becoming Focused and Indistractable
- Speaking With Spirit with Agapi Stassinopoulos
- The Science of Personal Branding with Gerard Adams
What are the best Mindvalley courses and masterclasses 2024? What is your learning experience? We look forward to hearing about your journey at Mindvalley University and how you tap into your limitless potential.
Profiles: Vishen Lakhiani – Wikipedia | Marisa Peer – Wikitia
Credits: Screenshots and banners by Mindvalley Classes.
Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links to some providers of online Mindvalley masterclasses and courses. courselounge may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. It does not add any extra costs. All reviews, opinions, descriptions and comparisons expressed here are our own.